Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Sanders and Trump Phenomenon: Inconsistencies, Misplaced Anger and False Opposition

The Sanders and Trump Phenomenon: Inconsistencies, Misplaced Anger and False Opposition

by Sean Jobst
14 April 2016

Although they appear to be polar opposites, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump represent disenchanted masses of Americans who may not be the most knowledgeable or consistent in their political views, but are disenchanted with the political system of both parties enough to fall behind anyone the media casts as an "outsider." This is even while they wouldn't even be aware of their candidates if not for the attention given to them by the media, which however ignores actual political choices outside the two-party corporatist duopoly.

Such supporters will in the end witness the epic fail of their misplaced hopes, exactly due to their ignorance of economics, foreign policy and the ways both intersect with the same political establishment their candidates claim to oppose. The uniting factor is anger, which leaves them blind to their candidate's inconsistencies and false opposition.  

Both Sanders and Trump capitalize on some legitimate grievances held by working-class and other disenfranchised people who have felt decades of betrayal, lies and broken promises by the Republican and Democratic political elites. The problem is lying candidates have seized upon these grievances to misdirect their anger toward ends that do not consistently or properly address the grievances. They are promoted by the elites as phony opposition figures, designed to be ringleaders - gathering all this support which will ultimately be misdirected toward objectives harmless to the establishment.

Economic Illiterates "Feel the Bern"

There are good people I know who have supported Sanders for good reasons, but my research into his actual proposals forces me to call out the faults of Sanders as any real choice. Sanders supporters are generally economic illiterates, fascinated by his mix of vague socialist rhetoric and cultural Marxist trendiness. They presume that merely hearing his rhetoric against certain corporations and money in politics mitigates his consistent enabling of that very thing he speaks against, due to his defense of the Federal Reserve debt-based economic system built upon usury, which has risen the cost of basic living, student loans, driven down work wages, etc..

His half-hearted calls for "reform" of the Federal Reserve are designed to merely make some cosmetic changes, without changing the overall structure which is the fact that private banking interests control the currency. Without that fundamental change of the entire financial system - not merely some phony "reforms" - then nothing proposed by Sanders on an economic level will ever come to fruition. This is because the Federal Reserve guarantees the structure of loans and debt which continues to cripple American workers and students, driving up the costs of those same loans.

Economics cannot be properly and consistently understood if one doesn't recognize the true nature of the State and the Corporate structure. On the one hand, neo-Marxists and the same type of "progressive" Democratic Socialists galvanized by Sanders view more government control as the solution to corporate control; while on the other hand, Capitalists who confuse the actual free-market with capitalism, and "conservative" apologists who speak against certain government control in some aspects, have no problem enabling their favored big corporations to control the State.

The fact is that Big Government and Big Corporations have merged to such an extent - and both are animated by Big Banking - that talking about using one to break the dominance of the other is nothing but hallowed rhetoric that will be of no use exactly because it ignores that one has merely become the other. This is why at this point, we should be wary of the same tired old slogans of "left" and "right" which have been used by the State to control various sectors of the population while mind-controlling every single one of us into being good obedient domesticated consumer debt-slaves!

"The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians." - George Orwell  

Trump's "Making America Great Again": Vague Economic Dribble

Donald Trump has made a career out of personal enrichment, making deals with foreign interests at the expense of other Americans if it meant his own business would flourish. Like other political elites, his super-patriotic rhetoric is mere rhetoric to deceive American workers into cheerleading the latest government expansions, so long as its couched against "them" and not against "us", although it will really be the State vs. ALL.

The reality is that as one of the leading real-estate moguls in the United States, as one who hobnobs with the same bankers and big corporate war-profiteers who have profited from the looted taxes and labor of the American people, he has made deals with the very same economic interests who have driven up the massive "national" debt and he personally profited from government policies at the expense of the masses.

What has Trump actually proposed in the way of concrete policies? He has done nothing but vague rhetoric with only the most general economic proposals, more often than not simply using slogans like "we will make America great again" mixed in with the same egoism "I" which seems to be the "favorite" word of such an alleged advocate for the nation over personal interests! I challenge every single one of his supporters to answer with his actual proposals, not just with his general rhetoric about putting Americans "back to work".

His pitting Americans against groups of "the other" - whether it be Mexicans or Muslims - not giving them the facts and the true picture about foreign policy, leads Trump supporters into an ignorant, narrow-minded lashing-out against entire groups of "others" about whom one can say any outrageous hyperbole no matter how untrue it is for the majority of such groups, while disavowing any sort of personal responsibility for one's own actions.

When you dig deeper behind feel-good slogans such as "Make America Great Again," there is really NOTHING concrete about an economic program aside from the repetitive general rhetoric as any one who listens to Trump media circuses can attest. A hypothetical Trump presidency would ensure the same status quo as we see now. His supporters are mostly workers who fail to see he has no actual economic proposals, and often proclaim to be "conservative" even while expecting a Trump-led government to be their savior!

The Arrogance of Cultural Marxism

A large segment of Sanders supporters - certainly the most vocal and active among them - are galvanized by the ideology of cultural Marxism. Sanders holds to this cultural Marxism, combined with his support for the Federal Reserve debt-enslavement of the very same "proletariat" he claims to support. This is because the focal point of Marxist activism has tended to shift toward students and artists, rather than workers. Marxist rhetoric in the past about workers has more than served its purpose and after 1945 it was determined to try other means to do so; rather, it was decided then was the time to drop the mask since it was the non-working classes actually in control of Marxism from its very inception.

The Frankfurt School after 1945 really did more than any other force or institution to insidiously promote cultural Marxism in the West. A compromise was reached where such Marxist policies in the social and cultural realm - already long perpetuated by the Trotskyite school of Communism dominated by rootless, internationalist Jews - were merged with pro-banking economic policies used to loot the working masses for the benefit of banking interests and to make it easier for society to be controlled by a handful of primarily-Jewish elitist social-engineers who perceived themselves as superior to the rest of Western society. 

Sanders' cultural Marxist supporters generally like to think they're on to something "deep", even while mindlessly eating up all the latest social and cultural trends in a "feel-good" frenzy tinged with a consumerism which conveniently benefits the very same Big Business interests their anointed hero claims to oppose. This can best be illustrated by the pro-Sanders protest groups which rioted against a Trump rally in Chicago and other protests throughout the country at Trump rallies.

I like to see one group of brainwashed partisans putting another group of brainwashed partisans in their place, but I point out the hypocrisy of those who may speak about "free speech" but will still crash anything which goes against their own set of dogmatic presumptions about society. This is not to say that these Trump rallies are paragons of free speech, as exhibited by the tyrannical attitude of "Might Makes Right" exhibited in a Trump persona that has been supportive of mass-surveillance and eroding of civil liberties and a Trump constituency that openly wants to use the State to erode the liberties of entire groups different from them.

At the heart of the pro-Sanders protest groups was a self-professed "civil disobedience" group called Democracy Spring, which happens to be backed by NGOs directly funded by that Hungarian-Jewish bankster-par-excellence George Soros, who made his fortune looting entire countries, such as his activities in southeast Asia and Greece, and buying up dominance in the West in an interesting blend of cultural Marxism and Neoliberal economics.

As an alleged "liberal", George Soros has no problem maintaining close connections with the "conservative" George Bush, Sr. through the war-profiteering company Carlyle Group - yet another instance of the deep connections between the alleged "liberal" and "conservative" interventionists, united in their war-profiteering. Soros' Quantum Fund committee includes two former Rothschild-linked investment bankers, Richard Katz and Nils Taube. 

One of the groups backing Democracy Spring - conveniently named in the tradition of the phony CIA-orchestrated "color revolutions" designed to undermine anti-Globalist and anti-Zionist governments, not surprising given Soros' links with former CIA spooks and the active role of his "Open Society" networks - is the infamous, whose board president Eli Pariser happens to be co-founder of the Soros-funded, well-known for promoting "humanitarian" interventions. It was this group which beat the drums of war in Libya and is also closely linked with the White Helmets NGO which is a mouthpiece of Syrian rebel groups, and a clearing house of anti-Assad propaganda it feeds to the Zionist media only too eager to whip up more wars for Israeli interests.

Such groups are filled with a disproportionate number of Jews whose foremost loyalty is Israel although aligned with Labor Zionism and not Likud, as well as an assortment of paternalistic "do-gooders" who actually care nothing for the "third world" except as a new area to economically and culturally exploit. Their banking and corporate interests want to exploit the natural resources of the "third world," while their cultural Marxism - tinged with a Talmudic style "light unto the goyim" "chosen people" superiority - means they want to change the indigenous cultures of the "third world" and turn all people into carbon-copy consumers and debt-slaves.

What about Political Correctness?

The forces of Cultural Marxism in our society have pushed society so much toward one extreme, that it has created a backlash from another extreme which claims to be against "Political Correctness," but that identifies the wrong things which are actually not taboo in our society, while refusing to challenge those things which are truly taboo and obviously political suicide. Similar to the trendiness of the Sanders supporters, Trump supporters likewise assume they're "on to something" by merely lashing out against anything they perceive as "Politically Correct".

In his general pronouncements against Political Correctness, Trump has been playing the role of an entertainer who can galvanize the discontent of a large segment of the population and misdirect their anger into directions that would ultimately be a groundswell for policies that would ensure the continued status quo. At the heart of this "politically incorrect" faux-machismo is sounding tough against the vulnerable "others" of society who are victims of the very same foreign policy of the establishment Trump supporters claim oppose their candidate, while not even touching those issues that are really political suicide or not even discussed by the media, such as the stranglehold of AIPAC or the debt-based Federal Reserve system of private bankers controlling our economy.

A Word About Trump Supporters

In the debate about the type of supporters attracted by Trump, there is much condescending elitism displayed by many of his opponents. I am a Trump opponent too, but I equally oppose the other candidates and see much of the criticism of Trump as hypocritical. Their chosen candidates are guilty of evil policies they have actually voted for or supported, so they have no room to talk about mere rhetoric.

Whereas Sanders attracts many students faced with crippling student loans and voters angry at the vulturous role of money within the political process, Trump has attracted many white "blue-collar" voters frustrated with the excess of Political Correctness and other Cultural Marxist policies pushed by the elites against their own interests.

This is certainly true about Appalachia and the Deep South, a region I actually come from and have seen the sort of discontent tapped into by the Trump campaign. This does not however excuse some of the ideas continuously embraced politically by this same class, such as jingoistic foreign policies, blaming "the other" and not the elites for their poverty, and blind support for Police State surveillance laws, just as it doesn't excuse the cultural Marxism and Statism embraced politically by many Sanders supporters.

Its both simplistic and false for these same elitists to reject all of their concerns and dismiss them as "racist" without considering that they have also been left behind by a political system where only a small elite has benefitted off the backs of all the masses, regardless of race or political spectrum. The purpose of the two parties is simply to polarize their chosen group of voters, while continuing to betray them once in power, yet demonizing the "other side" enough to ensure they support their own Party time and time again despite being continuously betrayed.

"Unlike registered independents who are socially liberal and fiscally conservative," noted one interesting analysis of the Trump phenomenon. "America's non-voters tended to be poorer, less educated citizens who are fiscally liberal and socially conservative. Neither party listened to them, let alone represented this populist center, until Trump gave them a voice.

"America will survive Trump's campaign, and the temptations of protectionism and xenophobia he offers. But in the aftermath that follows, both political parties must start prioritizing the working-class for a change. And that starts by listening to Trump's forgotten America."

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